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Dating Advice for Men
In the short read on dating, — “Christian Dating Advice for Men” — there are many insights and powerful wisdom for anyone to follow. So, I have decided to share some of the book briefly here on Medium. This is part one of five.
Hear me out ladies and gents because I was once and still do battle the know it all syndrome. Ponder this bible verse
“Whoever trusts in his own mind is a fool, but he who walks in wisdom will be delivered.”
Proverbs 28:26 ESV
That Proverb sums up my previous foolish behaviors and thoughts about finding a spouse. Also, it makes clear that my mind is to not be trusted. I don’t know it all!
So here we are. Ladies and Gentlemen you may need a little direction and coaching mixed with encouragement in dating in the new digital era and that’s okay.
As for me briefly, I was a guy who always looked at the outside appearance of a woman. I gave it the most weight in evaluating that person for a potential relationship. The lady had to have a specific skin tone, height, and hair length. These were shallow criteria as you can discern. Another whack perspective I had was that sex had to be off the charts; the truth is, we shouldn’t be having sex before marriage anyway. I cringe as I recall all my old views that missed the point. My worldview was fueled by the lust of…