I met a 63-year-old man in the park, and not just any man

Derrick McQueen
3 min readAug 10, 2022
Photo Credit: Jimmy Williams

Come to find out; he was me. I had a conversation with a ten-year-older version of myself.

It was the perfect day to be in the park. The day was clear and sunny, the grass was green, and the sky was a deep blue. A smooth, consistent Aruba-type breeze blew about the day. As I was walking, greeting all I passed with brief warm smiles, I noticed a man was sitting on one of the park benches. He was alone but looked familiar. Something drew me near him.

The guy was peaceful and serene and seemed warm and approachable. This gentleman looked like the essence of success, wise and accomplished. Success in the sense that he was at peace but still seemed to have achieved much, something inside me said, take a seat and speak. Taking a chair is what I did, and Oh boy!


The stranger spoke to me first with a bright smile, and the conversation took off. Come to find out; Derrick knew everything about me. He knew of my writing endeavors. Keep on writing on, he said. It’s what you do best. Also, the personal struggles you are facing now will pass. There is much more to your life that you will discover. The current battles are a blimp in time. The best is ahead of you, my friend, he said. I asked him about his life…



Derrick McQueen

Believer~Husband to Kali~Father to Imani~ Writer. Author ~ Christian Dating Advice for Men on Amazon. Visit me at my internet home — DerrickMcQueen.co